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绘图、离群值、残差、置信区间、验证数据、积分和导数,生成 MATLAB® 代码


您可以使用 Curve Fitting Toolbox™ 函数通过绘制残差和预测边界来评估拟合情况。有关详细信息,请参阅评估曲线拟合。要比较拟合情况并以交互方式生成 MATLAB 代码,请使用曲线拟合器




cfitcfit 对象的构造函数
coeffnamescfitsfitfittype 对象的系数名称
coeffvaluescfitsfit 对象的系数值
confintcfitsfit 对象的拟合系数的置信区间
differentiateDifferentiate cfit or sfit object
feval评估 cfitsfitfittype 对象
integratecfit 对象求积分
plot绘制 cfitsfit 对象
predintPrediction intervals for cfit or sfit object
probvaluescfitsfit 对象的问题相关参数值
quad2dNumerically integrate sfit object
sfitsfit 对象的构造函数


  • Create Multiple Fits in Curve Fitter App

    Workflow for refining your fit, comparing multiple fits, and using statistics to determine the best fit.

  • Explore and Customize Plots

    In the Curve Fitter app, display fit, residual, surface, or contour plots; display prediction bounds and multiple plots; use zoom, pan, data cursor, and outliers modes; change colormap of surface and contour plots, change axes limits and print plots.

  • Export Fit from Curve Fitter App to Simulink Lookup Table

    Export a surface fit from the Curve Fitter app to a Simulink® 2-D lookup table.

  • Remove Outliers

    Remove points interactively or exclude them by rule in the Curve Fitter app. Alternatively, exclude outliers by using the fit function. You can exclude data based on their distance from the model, in standard deviations.

  • 选择验证数据


  • Generate Code and Export Fits to the Workspace

    Generate MATLAB code from an interactive session in the Curve Fitter app, recreate fits and plots, and analyze fits in the workspace.

  • 评估曲线拟合


  • 评估曲面拟合


  • Evaluating Goodness of Fit

    After fitting data with one or more models, evaluate the goodness of fit using plots, statistics, residuals, and confidence and prediction bounds.

  • Compare Fits in Curve Fitter App

    Find the best fit by comparing visual and numeric results, including fitted coefficients and goodness-of-fit statistics.

  • Compare Fits Programmatically

    This example shows how to fit and compare polynomials up to sixth degree using Curve Fitting Toolbox™, fitting some census data.

  • Residual Analysis

    The residuals from a fitted model are defined as the differences between the response data and the fit to the response data at each predictor value.

  • Confidence and Prediction Bounds

    Curve Fitting Toolbox software lets you calculate confidence bounds for the fitted coefficients, and prediction bounds for new observations or for the fitted function.

  • 求拟合的微分和积分

