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准备模型以与 STMicroelectronics Discovery 板进行硬件连接,添加模块以支持硬件协议



GPIO ReadRead GPIO pin status
GPIO WriteSet GPIO pin status
Analog to Digital ConverterConvert analog signal on ADC input pin to digital signal
Audio OutSend processed audio samples to audio devices
Mic InRead audio sample from MEMS microphone available on the STMicroelectronics STM32F4–Discovery board
Hardware InterruptTrigger the downstream function-call subsystem from an interrupt service routine.
Analog InputMeasure voltage of analog input pin
Digital ReadRead logical state of digital input pin
Digital WriteSet logical state of digital output pin
I2C Controller ReadRead data from I2C Peripheral device or I2C Peripheral device register
I2C Controller WriteWrite data to I2C peripheral device or I2C peripheral device register
PWM OutputGenerate square wave on the specified output pin
SCI ReadRead N-by-1 array of data on UART
SCI WriteSend N-by-1 array of data to UART
SPI Controller TransferWrite data to and read data from SPI peripheral device
SPI Register ReadRead data from SPI peripheral device register
SPI Register WriteWrite data to registers of SPI peripheral device
Audio InputRead audio sample from audio devices on STMicroelectronics STM32F746G/STM32F769I–Discovery board
Audio OutputSend processed audio samples to audio devices on STMicroelectronics STM32F746G/STM32F769I–Discovery board
TCP ReceiveReceive data over TCP/IP network from remote host
TCP SendSend data over TCP/IP network to remote host
UDP ReceiveReceive UDP packets from UDP host
UDP SendSend UDP packets to UDP host
External InterruptTrigger the downstream function-call subsystem from an Interrupt Service Routine (自 R2021a 起)
Modbus RS485 Client ReadClient device reads data from server device register(s) over RS485 network (自 R2021b 起)
Modbus RS485 Client WriteClient device writes data to server device register(s) over RS485 network (自 R2021b 起)
Modbus RS485 Server WriteServer device writes data to server device register over RS485 network (自 R2021b 起)
Modbus RS485 Server ReadServer device reads data from the server device register over RS485 network (自 R2021b 起)
Analog InputMeasure voltage of analog input pin
Digital ReadRead logical state of digital input pin
Digital WriteSet logical state of digital output pin
I2C Controller ReadRead data from I2C Peripheral device or I2C Peripheral device register
I2C Controller WriteWrite data to I2C peripheral device or I2C peripheral device register
PWM OutputGenerate square wave on the specified output pin
SCI ReadRead N-by-1 array of data on UART
SCI WriteSend N-by-1 array of data to UART
SPI Controller TransferWrite data to and read data from SPI peripheral device
SPI Register ReadRead data from SPI peripheral device register
SPI Register WriteWrite data to registers of SPI peripheral device
External InterruptTrigger the downstream function-call subsystem from an Interrupt Service Routine (自 R2021a 起)
WiFi TCP ReceiveReceive TCP/IP packets from another TCP/IP host on internet network (自 R2021a 起)
WiFi TCP SendSend TCP/IP packets to another TCP/IP host on internet network (自 R2021a 起)
ThingSpeak ReadRead data stored in ThingSpeak channel (自 R2021a 起)
ThingSpeak WritePublish data to Internet of Things using ThingSpeak (自 R2021a 起)
Modbus RS485 Client ReadClient device reads data from server device register(s) over RS485 network (自 R2021b 起)
Modbus RS485 Client WriteClient device writes data to server device register(s) over RS485 network (自 R2021b 起)
Modbus RS485 Server ReadServer device reads data from the server device register over RS485 network (自 R2021b 起)
Modbus RS485 Server WriteServer device writes data to server device register over RS485 network (自 R2021b 起)
HTS221 Humidity SensorMeasure relative humidity and temperature from HTS221 sensor (自 R2021b 起)
LIS3MDL Magnetometer SensorMeasure magnetic field strength and temperature from LIS3MDL Magnetometer sensor (自 R2021b 起)
LPS22HB Pressure SensorMeasure barometric air pressure and temperature from LPS22HB sensor (自 R2021b 起)
LSM6DSL IMU SensorMeasure linear acceleration, angular rate, and temperature from LSM6DSL sensor (自 R2021b 起)
Byte Pack将输入信号转换为 uint8 向量
Byte Unpackuint8 向量转换为输入信号
Byte Reversal反转输入字中的字节顺序
Memory CopyCopy data from and to memory section
