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Analysis and Applications

Analyze segmented images, generate surfaces for medical imaging applications

Analyze preprocessed and segmented images to obtain quantitative information about the health of a patient. You can perform custom analyses by using functions for image arithmetic and calculating region properties, or perform state-of-the-art Radiomics analysis. Use analyzed images for applications such as research, 3-D printing, and finite element analysis.


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radiomicsPrepare data and ROI for radiomics feature extraction (Since R2023b)
shapeFeaturesRadiomics shape features (Since R2023b)
intensityFeaturesRadiomics intensity features (Since R2023b)
textureFeaturesRadiomics texture features (Since R2023b)
extractIsosurfaceExtract isosurface from volume using marching cubes algorithm (Since R2022b)
dicomContoursExtract ROI data from DICOM-RT structure set (Since R2020a)
createMaskCreate volumetric mask from dicomContours object (Since R2020b)
bwconncompFind and count connected components in binary image
bwareaopenRemove small objects from binary image
bwareafiltExtract objects from binary image by size
bwpropfiltExtract objects from binary image using properties
bwselectSelect objects in binary image
bwselect3Select objects in binary volume
bwlabelLabel connected components in 2-D binary image
cc2bwConvert connected components to binary image (Since R2024a)
labelmatrixCreate label matrix from objects in connected components
label2rgbConvert label matrix into RGB image
poly2labelCreate label matrix from set of ROIs (Since R2020b)
poly2maskConvert region of interest (ROI) polygon to region mask
regionpropsMeasure properties of image regions
regionprops3Measure properties of 3-D volumetric image regions
bwareaArea of objects in binary image
bwconvhullGenerate convex hull image from binary image
bweulerEuler number of binary image
bwferetMeasure Feret properties
bwperimFind perimeter of objects in binary image


Radiomics Analysis

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