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Scopes and Data Logging

Display and record data

DSP Scopes visualize your streaming real-time data using hardware-inspired interfaces. Use measurements, cursors, triggers, and masks to visually inspect and analyze streaming data. In MATLAB®, you can visualize streaming data using scope System objects. In Simulink®, you can visualize signals using scope blocks or apps, or you can save data to MATLAB with the Time Scope or To Workspace blocks.


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Array PlotDisplay vectors or arrays
DisplayShow value of input
Spectrum AnalyzerDisplay frequency spectrum
Time ScopeDisplay and analyze signals generated during simulation and log signal data to MATLAB
Filter VisualizerDisplay magnitude and phase response of time-varying digital filters (Since R2023a)
To WorkspaceLog data to workspace from Simulink model
Triggered To Workspace Write input sample to MATLAB workspace when triggered
Spectrum AnalyzerDisplay frequency spectrum
Time ScopeDisplay and analyze signals generated during simulation and log signal data to MATLAB


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timescopeDisplay time-domain signals (Since R2020a)
spectrumAnalyzerDisplay frequency spectrum of time-domain signals (Since R2022a)
dsp.ArrayPlotDisplay vectors or arrays
dsp.LogicAnalyzerVisualize, measure, and analyze transitions and states over time
dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizerDisplay time-varying magnitude and phase response of digital filters
dsp.MatrixViewerVisualize matrix data
timescopeDisplay time-domain signals (Since R2020a)
TimeScopeConfigurationControl Scope block appearance and behavior
generateScriptGenerate MATLAB script to create scope with current settings
printToFigurePrint scope window to MATLAB figure (Since R2023b)
spectrumAnalyzerDisplay frequency spectrum of time-domain signals (Since R2022a)
SpectrumAnalyzerBlockConfigurationConfigure Spectrum Analyzer block
isNewDataReadyCheck spectrum analyzer for new data
generateScriptGenerate MATLAB script to create scope with current settings
getSpectrumDataSave spectrum data shown in spectrum analyzer
getSpectralMaskStatusGet test results of current spectral mask
getMeasurementsDataGet the current measurement data displayed on the spectrum analyzer
printToFigurePrint scope window to MATLAB figure (Since R2023b)
dsp.LogicAnalyzerVisualize, measure, and analyze transitions and states over time
addCursorAdd cursor to Logic Analyzer
addDividerAdd divider to Logic Analyzer
addWaveAdd wave to Logic Analyzer
deleteCursorDelete Logic Analyzer cursor
deleteDisplayChannelDelete Logic Analyzer channel
getCursorInfoReturn settings for Logic Analyzer cursor
getCursorTagsReturn all Logic Analyzer cursor tags
getDisplayChannelInfoReturn settings for Logic Analyzer display channel
getDisplayChannelTagsReturn all Logic Analyzer display channel tags
modifyCursorModify properties of Logic Analyzer cursor
modifyDisplayChannelModify properties of Logic Analyzer display channel
moveDisplayChannelMove position of Logic Analyzer display channel
dsp.ArrayPlotDisplay vectors or arrays
generateScriptGenerate MATLAB script to create scope with current settings
printToFigurePrint scope window to MATLAB figure (Since R2023b)
dsp.MatrixViewerVisualize matrix data
setCursorDataLabelsCustomize data labels for cursor measurements
dsp.DynamicFilterVisualizerDisplay time-varying magnitude and phase response of digital filters
stepDisplay time-varying magnitude response
printToFigurePrint scope window to MATLAB figure (Since R2023b)
dsp.SignalSinkLog simulation data in buffer


Logic AnalyzerVisualize, measure, and analyze transitions and states over time


Scope Configuration

Scope Workflows

Data Logging

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