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Set value of property for element instance


setValue(instance,property,value) sets the property property of the instance instance to the value specified by value.


This function is part of the instance programmatic interfaces that you can use to analyze the model iteratively, element-by-element. The instance refers to the element instance on which the iteration is being performed.



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Load the small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) model, create an architecture instance, and set the mass property value of a nested component. Get the new value to confirm the change.

model = systemcomposer.loadModel("scExampleSmallUAVModel");
instance = instantiate(model.Architecture,"UAVComponent","NewInstance");
[massValue,unit] = getValue(instance.Components(1).Components(1),...
massValue = 
unit = 

Input Arguments

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Property, specified in the form "<profile>.<stereotype>.<property>".

Data Types: char | string

Property value, specified as a data type that depends on how the property is defined in the profile.

More About

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TermDefinitionApplicationMore Information

Analysis is a method for quantitatively evaluating an architecture for certain characteristics. Static analysis analyzes the structure of the system. Static analysis uses an analysis function and parametric values of properties and parameters captured in the system model.

Use analyses to calculate overall reliability, mass roll-up, performance, or thermal characteristics of a system, or to perform a size, weight, and power (SWaP) analysis to increase efficiency.

analysis function

An analysis function is a MATLAB® function that computes values necessary to evaluate the architecture using the properties of each element in the model instance and instance-specific parameters on the component and architecture level.

Use an analysis function to calculate the result of an analysis.

instance model

An instance model is a collection of instances.

You can update an instance model with changes to a model, but the instance model will not update with changes in active variants or model references. You can use an instance model, saved in a MAT file, of a System Composer™ architecture model for analysis.

Run Analysis Function

An instance is an occurrence of an architecture model element at a given point in time.

An instance freezes the active variant or model reference of the component in the instance model.

Create a Model Instance for Analysis

TermDefinitionApplicationMore Information

Stereotypes provide a mechanism to extend the core language elements and add domain-specific metadata.

Apply stereotypes to core element types. An element can have multiple stereotypes. Stereotypes allow you to style different elements. Stereotypes provide elements with a common set of properties, such as mass, cost, and power.


A property is a field in a stereotype. You can specify property values for each element to which the stereotype is applied.

Use properties to store quantitative characteristics, such as weight or speed, that are associated with a model element. Properties can also be descriptive or represent a status. You can view and edit the properties of each element in the architecture model using the Property Inspector. For more information, see Use Property Inspector in System Composer.


A profile is a package of stereotypes.

You can use profiles to create a domain of specialized element types. Author profiles and apply profiles to a model using the Profile Editor. You can store stereotypes for a project in one or several profiles. When you save profiles, they are stored in XML files.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a