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HDL-Optimized Algorithm Design

Select blocks or System objects for streaming video processing

The Vision HDL Toolbox™ blocks and System objects in this category implement hardware-friendly architectures and support HDL code generation when used with HDL Coder™.


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Birds-Eye ViewTransform front-facing camera image into top-down view
Chroma ResamplerDownsample or upsample chrominance component
Color Space ConverterConvert color information between color spaces
Demosaic InterpolatorConstruct RGB pixel data from Bayer pattern pixel stream
Gamma CorrectorApply or remove gamma correction of pixel stream
Lookup TableMap input pixel to output pixel using custom rule
Image ResizerChange dimensions of image in pixel stream (Since R2023a)
Bilateral Filter2-D bilateral filtering
Edge DetectorFind edges of objects in grayscale pixel stream
Image Filter2-D FIR filtering
Median Filter2-D median filtering
Corner DetectorFind corners using FAST or Harris algorithm (Since R2020a)
ClosingMorphological closing of binary pixel data
DilationMorphological dilation of binary pixel data
ErosionMorphological erosion of binary pixel data
OpeningMorphological opening of binary pixel data
Grayscale ClosingMorphological closing of grayscale pixel data
Grayscale DilationMorphological dilation of grayscale pixel data
Grayscale ErosionMorphological erosion of grayscale pixel data
Grayscale OpeningMorphological opening of grayscale pixel data
HistogramFrequency distribution of pixel values in video stream
Image StatisticsCalculate mean, variance, and standard deviation
Line BufferStore video lines and return neighborhood pixels
Pixel Stream AlignerAlign two streams of pixel data
ROI SelectorSelect a region of interest (ROI) from pixel stream
HV CounterCount active dimensions of pixel stream


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visionhdl.BirdsEyeViewTransform front-facing camera image into top-down view
visionhdl.ChromaResamplerDownsample or upsample chrominance component
visionhdl.ColorSpaceConverterConvert color information between color spaces
visionhdl.CornerDetectorFinds corners using FAST or Harris algorithm (Since R2020a)
visionhdl.DemosaicInterpolatorConstruct full RGB pixel data from Bayer pattern pixel stream
visionhdl.GammaCorrectorApply or remove gamma correction
visionhdl.BilateralFilterPerform 2-D filtering of a pixel stream
visionhdl.EdgeDetectorFind edges of objects
visionhdl.ImageFilter2-D FIR filtering
visionhdl.MedianFilter2-D median filtering
visionhdl.HistogramFrequency distribution
visionhdl.ImageStatisticsMean, variance, and standard deviation
visionhdl.ClosingMorphologically closes binary pixel stream
visionhdl.DilationMorphologically dilate binary pixel stream
visionhdl.ErosionMorphologically erode binary pixel stream
visionhdl.OpeningMorphologically open binary pixel stream
visionhdl.GrayscaleClosingMorphologically close grayscale pixel stream
visionhdl.GrayscaleDilationMorphologically dilate grayscale pixel stream
visionhdl.GrayscaleErosionMorphologically erode grayscale pixel stream
visionhdl.GrayscaleOpeningMorphologically open grayscale pixel stream
visionhdl.HVCounterCounts active pixel dimensions of streaming video
visionhdl.ImageResizerChange dimensions of image in a pixel stream (Since R2023a)
visionhdl.LineBufferStore video lines and return neighborhood pixels
visionhdl.LookupTableMap input pixel to output pixel using custom rule
visionhdl.PixelStreamAlignerAlign two streams of pixel data
visionhdl.ROISelectorSelect region of interest (ROI) from pixel stream


visionhdlframetoregionsConvert video frame dimensions into tiled regions of interest (Since R2020b)



Detection and Analysis

  • Blob Analysis
    This example shows how to implement a single-pass 8-way connected- component labeling algorithm and perform blob analysis.
  • Pothole Detection
    This example extends the Generate Cartoon Images Using Bilateral Filtering example to include calculating a centroid and overlaying a centroid marker and text label on detected potholes.
  • FAST Corner Detection
    This example shows how to perform corner detection using the features-from-accelerated-segment test (FAST) algorithm.
  • Harris Corner Detection
    This example shows how to use edge detection as the first step in corner detection.
  • Generate Cartoon Images Using Bilateral Filtering
    This example shows how to generate cartoon lines and overlay them onto an image.

Video Modeling


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