使用分布拟合器,以交互方式对样本数据进行概率分布拟合,并将概率分布对象导出到 MATLAB® 工作区。使用箱线图和分位数-分位数图探索数据极差,确定潜在的离群值。通过绘制带拟合的正态密度函数线条的直方图,对整体分布进行可视化。使用概率图评估您的样本数据是否来自具有特定分布(例如正态分布或威布尔分布)的总体。如果参数化分布不能充分描述样本数据,则根据样本数据计算并绘制经验累积分布函数。或者使用核平滑函数来估计 cdf。
- Model Data Using the Distribution Fitter App
The Distribution Fitter app provides a visual, interactive approach to fitting univariate distributions to data.
- Fit a Distribution Using the Distribution Fitter App
Use the Distribution Fitter app to interactively fit a probability distribution to data.
- Define Custom Distributions Using the Distribution Fitter App
Use the Distribution Fitter app to fit distributions not supported by the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™ by defining a custom distribution.
- Distribution Plots
Visually compare the empirical distribution of sample data with a specified distribution.
- Nonparametric and Empirical Probability Distributions
Estimate a probability density function or a cumulative distribution function from sample data.
- Grouping Variables
Grouping variables are utility variables used to group or categorize observations.