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Support Vector Machine Regression

Support vector machines for regression models

For greater accuracy on low- through medium-dimensional data sets, train a support vector machine (SVM) model using fitrsvm.

For reduced computation time on high-dimensional data sets, efficiently train a linear regression model, such as a linear SVM model, using fitrlinear.


Regression LearnerTrain regression models to predict data using supervised machine learning


RegressionSVM PredictPredict responses using support vector machine (SVM) regression model (Since R2020b)
RegressionLinear PredictPredict responses using linear regression model (Since R2023a)
RegressionKernel Predict Predict responses using Gaussian kernel regression model (Since R2024b)
IncrementalRegressionLinear PredictPredict responses using incremental linear regression model (Since R2023b)
IncrementalRegressionLinear FitFit incremental linear regression model (Since R2023b)
IncrementalRegressionKernel FitFit incremental kernel regression model (Since R2024b)
IncrementalRegressionKernel PredictPredict responses using incremental kernel regression model (Since R2024b)
Update MetricsUpdate performance metrics in incremental learning model given new data (Since R2023b)
Detect DriftUpdate drift detector states and drift status with new data (Since R2024b)


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fitrsvmFit a support vector machine regression model
predictPredict responses using support vector machine regression model
fitrlinearFit linear regression model to high-dimensional data
predictPredict response of linear regression model
fitrkernelFit Gaussian kernel regression model using random feature expansion
predictPredict responses for Gaussian kernel regression model
crossvalCross-validate machine learning model
limeLocal interpretable model-agnostic explanations (LIME) (Since R2020b)
partialDependenceCompute partial dependence (Since R2020b)
permutationImportancePredictor importance by permutation (Since R2024a)
plotPartialDependenceCreate partial dependence plot (PDP) and individual conditional expectation (ICE) plots
shapleyShapley values (Since R2021a)
fitrchainsMultiresponse regression with regression chains (Since R2024b)
predictPredict responses using multiresponse regression model (Since R2024b)


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RegressionSVMSupport vector machine regression model
CompactRegressionSVMCompact support vector machine regression model
RegressionLinearLinear regression model for high-dimensional data
RegressionPartitionedLinearCross-validated linear regression model for high-dimensional data
RegressionKernelGaussian kernel regression model using random feature expansion
RegressionPartitionedKernelCross-validated kernel model for regression
RegressionChainEnsembleMultiresponse regression model (Since R2024b)
CompactRegressionChainEnsembleCompact multiresponse regression model (Since R2024b)
