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Signal Operations

Delay, reorder, resample, and window the signal

You can perform signal operations such as rate conversion, convolution, digital-up and digital-down conversion, phase extraction, DC component removal, peak location, signal padding, and delay addition using blocks and System objects from DSP System Toolbox™.


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dsp.DigitalDownConverterTranslate digital signal from intermediate frequency (IF) band to baseband and decimate it
dsp.DigitalUpConverterInterpolate digital signal and translate it from baseband to IF band
dsp.FarrowRateConverterPolynomial sample rate converter with arbitrary conversion factor
dsp.SampleRateConverterMultistage sample rate converter
dsp.DCBlockerBlock DC component (offset) from input signal
dsp.ParameterSmootherSmooth input parameters using exponential smoothing (Since R2024a)
dsp.PhaseExtractorExtract the unwrapped phase of a complex input
dsp.PhaseUnwrapperUnwrap signal phase
dsp.ZeroCrossingDetectorDetect zero crossings
dsp.DelayDelay input signal by fixed samples
dsp.VariableFractionalDelayDelay input by time-varying fractional number of sample periods
dsp.VariableIntegerDelayDelay input by time-varying integer number of sample periods


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DownsampleResample input at lower rate by deleting samples
Digital Down-ConverterTranslate digital signal from intermediate frequency (IF) band to baseband and decimate it
Digital Up-ConverterInterpolate and translate digital signal from baseband to intermediate frequency (IF) band
Farrow Rate ConverterPolynomial sample-rate converter with arbitrary conversion factor
InterpolationInterpolate values of real input samples
RepeatResample input at higher rate by repeating values
Sample and HoldSample and hold input signal
Sample-Rate ConverterMultistage sample-rate conversion
UpsampleResample input at higher rate by inserting zeros
ConvolutionConvolution of two inputs
DC BlockerBlock DC component
DetrendRemove linear trend from vectors
OffsetTruncate vectors by removing or keeping beginning or ending values
PadPad or truncate specified dimension(s)
Parameter SmootherSmooth input parameters using exponential smoothing (Since R2024a)
Peak FinderDetermine whether each value of input signal is local minimum or maximum
Phase ExtractorExtract the unwrapped phase of a complex input
UnwrapUnwrap signal phase
Window FunctionCompute and apply window to input signal
Zero CrossingCount number of times signal crosses zero in single time step
Variable Integer DelayDelay input signal by fixed or variable sample periods
Variable Fractional DelayDelay input by time-varying fractional number of sample periods


Sample- and Frame-Based Processing

Rate Conversion

Signal Operations

Delay and Latency

Variable-Size Signal Support

Featured Examples