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Localization Algorithms

Particle filters, scan matching, Monte Carlo localization, pose graphs, odometry

Localization algorithms, like Monte Carlo localization and scan matching, estimate your pose in a known map using range sensor or lidar readings. Pose graphs track your estimated poses and can be optimized based on edge constraints and loop closures. For simultaneous localization and mapping, see SLAM.


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stateEstimatorPFCreate particle filter state estimator
resamplingPolicyPFCreate resampling policy object with resampling settings
matchScansEstimate pose between two laser scans
matchScansGridEstimate pose between two lidar scans using grid-based search
matchScansLineEstimate pose between two laser scans using line features (Since R2020a)
transformScanTransform laser scan based on relative pose
lidarScanCreate object for storing 2-D lidar scan
monteCarloLocalizationLocalize robot using range sensor data and map
lidarScanCreate object for storing 2-D lidar scan
odometryMotionModelCreate an odometry motion model
likelihoodFieldSensorModelCreate likelihood field range sensor model
poseGraph Create 2-D pose graph
poseGraph3D Create 3-D pose graph
poseGraphSolverOptionsSolver options for pose graph optimization (Since R2020b)
optimizePoseGraphOptimize nodes in pose graph
trimLoopClosuresOptimize pose graph and remove bad loop closures (Since R2020b)
poseplot3-D pose plot (Since R2021b)
factorGraphBipartite graph of factors and nodes (Since R2022a)
importFactorGraphImport factor graph from g2o log file (Since R2022a)
factorIMUConvert IMU readings to factor (Since R2022a)
factorGPSFactor for GPS measurement (Since R2022a)
factorTwoPoseSE2Factor relating two SE(2) poses (Since R2022a)
factorTwoPoseSE3Factor relating two SE(3) poses (Since R2022a)
factorPoseSE2AndPointXYFactor relating SE(2) position and 2-D point (Since R2022b)
factorPoseSE3AndPointXYZFactor relating SE(3) position and 3-D point (Since R2022b)
factorIMUBiasPriorPrior factor for IMU bias (Since R2022a)
factorVelocity3PriorPrior factor for 3-D velocity (Since R2022a)
factorPoseSE3PriorFull-state prior factor for SE(3) pose (Since R2022a)
factorCameraSE3AndPointXYZFactor relating SE(3) camera pose and 3-D point (Since R2023a)
estimateGravityRotationEstimate gravity rotation using IMU measurements and factor graph optimization (Since R2023a)
estimateGravityRotationAndPoseScaleEstimate gravity rotation and pose scale using IMU measurements and factor graph optimization (Since R2023a)
estimateCameraIMUTransformEstimate transformation from camera to IMU sensor using calibration data (Since R2024a)
wheelEncoderOdometryAckermannCompute Ackermann vehicle odometry using wheel encoder ticks and steering angle (Since R2020b)
wheelEncoderOdometryBicycleCompute bicycle odometry using wheel encoder ticks and steering angle (Since R2020b)
wheelEncoderOdometryDifferentialDriveCompute differential-drive vehicle odometry using wheel encoder ticks (Since R2020b)
wheelEncoderOdometryUnicycleCompute unicycle odometry using wheel encoder ticks and angular velocity (Since R2020b)


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