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Extend Architectural Elements

Add custom properties to architectural elements using stereotypes

System Composer™ provides built-in element types, including components, ports, connectors, interfaces, allocations, and functions. Functions are only available in software architectures. Create stereotypes to extend element types with metadata. Package related stereotypes into profiles for use with multiple models using the Profile Editor. Share profiles between models to ensure consistency within a project. Define stereotype hierarchies and change between these stereotypes dynamically in your model.

Stereotypes provide a template to define custom concepts and terminologies. Assign custom stereotypes to a model element to define its relation to the system. Properties defined within the stereotype applied to a model element can be used for early analyses, such as budget allocation, latency tradeoffs, and other parametric design concerns. You can add engineering units to property values to establish context.


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systemcomposer.profile.Profile.createProfileCreate profile
systemcomposer.loadProfileLoad profile by name
applyProfileApply profile to model
removeProfileRemove profile from model
renameProfileRename profile in model (Since R2020b)
systemcomposer.profile.editorOpen Profile Editor
systemcomposer.profile.Profile.findFind profile by name
systemcomposer.profile.Profile.loadLoad profile from file
saveSave profile as file
openOpen profile
closeClose profile
systemcomposer.profile.Profile.closeAllClose all open profiles
systemcomposer.profile.Stereotype.findFind stereotype by name
getDefaultStereotypeGet default stereotype for profile
setDefaultStereotypeSet default stereotype for profile
getDefaultElementStereotypeGet default stereotype for elements (Since R2021b)
setDefaultElementStereotypeSet default stereotype for elements (Since R2021b)
addStereotypeAdd stereotype to profile
removeStereotypeRemove stereotype from profile
getStereotypeFind stereotype in profile by name
applyStereotypeApply stereotype to architecture model element
batchApplyStereotypeApply stereotype to all elements in architecture
getStereotypesGet stereotypes applied on element of architecture model
changeStereotypeChange currently applied stereotype to new stereotype in its stereotype hierarchy (Since R2024a)
removeStereotypeRemove stereotype from model element
hasStereotypeFind if element has stereotype applied (Since R2021a)
applyStereotypeOrderApply provided stereotype order to model (Since R2024a)
getStereotypeNamesByOrderGet stereotype names by stereotype order in model (Since R2024a)
increaseStereotypeOrderMove stereotype one level up (Since R2024a)
decreaseStereotypeOrderMove stereotype one level down (Since R2024a)
addPropertyDefine custom property for stereotype
removePropertyRemove property from stereotype
hasPropertyFind if element has property (Since R2021a)
setPropertySet property value corresponding to stereotype applied to element
getPropertyGet property value corresponding to stereotype applied to element
getPropertyValueGet value of architecture property
getEvaluatedPropertyValueGet evaluated value of property from element
getStereotypePropertiesGet stereotype property names on element


Profile EditorCreate and manage profiles with stereotypes and properties
Manage ProfilesLink and unlink profiles and order stereotypes

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