为了提高在中低维数据集上的准确度并增加核函数选择,可以使用分类学习器训练二类 SVM 模型,或包含 SVM 二类学习器的多类纠错输出编码 (ECOC) 模型。为了获得更大的灵活性,可以在命令行界面中使用 fitcsvm
训练二类 SVM 模型,或者使用 fitcecoc
训练由二类 SVM 学习器组成的多类 ECOC 模型。
为了减少在高维数据集上的计算时间,可以使用 fitclinear
高效地训练二类线性分类模型(例如线性 SVM 模型),或者使用 fitcecoc
训练由 SVM 模型组成的多类 ECOC 模型。
对于大数据的非线性分类,可以使用 fitckernel
分类学习器 | 使用有监督的机器学习训练模型以对数据进行分类 |
ClassificationSVM Predict | Classify observations using support vector machine (SVM) classifier for one-class and binary classification (自 R2020b 起) |
ClassificationECOC Predict | Classify observations using error-correcting output codes (ECOC) classification model (自 R2023a 起) |
ClassificationLinear Predict | Classify observations using linear classification model (自 R2023a 起) |
IncrementalClassificationLinear Predict | Classify observations using incremental linear classification model (自 R2023b 起) |
IncrementalClassificationLinear Fit | Fit incremental linear binary classification model (自 R2023b 起) |
IncrementalClassificationECOC Predict | Classify observations using incremental ECOC classification model (自 R2024a 起) |
IncrementalClassificationECOC Fit | Fit incremental ECOC classification model (自 R2024a 起) |
Update Metrics | Update performance metrics in incremental learning model given new data (自 R2023b 起) |
- Train Support Vector Machines Using Classification Learner App
Create and compare support vector machine (SVM) classifiers, and export trained models to make predictions for new data.
- 用于二类分类的支持向量机
使用分离超平面和核变换通过 SVM 执行二类分类。
- Predict Class Labels Using ClassificationSVM Predict Block
This example shows how to use the ClassificationSVM Predict block for label prediction in Simulink®.
- Predict Class Labels Using ClassificationLinear Predict Block
This example shows how to use the ClassificationLinear Predict block for label prediction in Simulink®. (自 R2023a 起)
- Predict Class Labels Using ClassificationECOC Predict Block
Train an ECOC classification model, and then use the ClassificationECOC Predict block for label prediction. (自 R2023a 起)
- Signal Classification Using Wavelet-Based Features and Support Vector Machines (Wavelet Toolbox)
- Wavelet Time Scattering Classification of Phonocardiogram Data (Wavelet Toolbox)