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Optimization Options Reference

Optimization Options

The following table describes optimization options. Create options using the optimoptions function, or optimset for fminbnd, fminsearch, fzero, or lsqnonneg.

See the individual function reference pages for information about available option values and defaults.

The default values for the options vary depending on which optimization function you call with options as an input argument. You can determine the default option values for any of the optimization functions by entering optimoptions('solvername') or the equivalent optimoptions(@solvername). For example,


returns a list of the options and the default values for the default 'interior-point' fmincon algorithm. To find the default values for another fmincon algorithm, set the Algorithm option. For example,

opts = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','sqp')

optimoptions “hides” some options, meaning it does not display their values. Those options do not appear in this table. Instead, they appear in Hidden Options.

Optimization Options

Option NameDescriptionUsed by FunctionsRestrictions

Nonnegative real. intlinprog stops if the difference between the internally calculated upper (U) and lower (L) bounds on the objective function is less than or equal to AbsoluteGapTolerance:

U – L <= AbsoluteGapTolerance.

intlinprogoptimoptions only

Number of F(x) to minimize the worst case absolute values.



Chooses the algorithm used by the solver.

fmincon, fminunc, fsolve, linprog, lsqcurvefit, lsqlin, lsqnonlin, quadprog 

Chooses the algorithm for updating the barrier parameter in the 'interior-point' algorithm, either 'monotone' or 'predictor-corrector'.


Rule for choosing the component for branching:

  • 'maxpscost' — The fractional component with maximum pseudocost. See Branch and Bound.

  • 'strongpscost' — The fractional component with maximum pseudocost, with a careful estimate of pseudocost. See Branch and Bound.

  • 'reliability' — The fractional component with maximum pseudocost, with an even more careful estimate of pseudocost than in 'strongpscost'. See Branch and Bound.

  • 'mostfractional' — The component whose fractional part is closest to 1/2.

  • 'maxfun' — The fractional component with maximal corresponding component in the absolute value of objective vector f.

intlinprogoptimoptions only

Compare user-supplied analytic derivatives (gradients or Jacobian, depending on the selected solver) to finite differencing derivatives.

The CheckGradients option will be removed in a future release. To check derivatives, use the checkGradients function.

fmincon, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin

optimoptions only. For optimset, use DerivativeCheck

Tolerance on the constraint violation.

coneprog, fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fseminf, intlinprog, linprog, lsqlin, quadprog

optimoptions only. For optimset, use TolCon

Level of cut generation (see Cut Generation):

  • 'none' — No cuts. Makes CutMaxIterations irrelevant.

  • 'basic' — Normal cut generation.

  • 'intermediate' — Use more cut types.

  • 'advanced' — Use most cut types.

intlinprogoptimoptions only
CutMaxIterationsNumber of passes through all cut generation methods before entering the branch-and-bound phase, an integer from 1 through 50. Disable cut generation by setting the CutGeneration option to 'none'.intlinprogoptimoptions only

Level of display.

  • 'off' displays no output.

  • 'iter' displays output at each iteration, and gives the default exit message.

  • 'iter-detailed' displays output at each iteration, and gives the technical exit message.

  • 'notify' displays output only if the function does not converge, and gives the default exit message.

  • 'notify-detailed' displays output only if the function does not converge, and gives the technical exit message.

  • 'final' displays just the final output, and gives the default exit message.

  • 'final-detailed' displays just the final output, and gives the technical exit message.

All. See the individual function reference pages for the values that apply.


Chooses the algorithm for achieving feasibility in the 'interior-point' algorithm. true uses a different algorithm than the default false.


Specify the number of objectives required for the objective fun to equal the set goal. Reorder your objectives, if necessary, to have fgoalattain achieve the first EqualityGoalCount objectives exactly.


optimoptions only. For optimset, use GoalsExactAchieve

Scalar or vector step size factor for finite differences. When you set FiniteDifferenceStepSize to a vector v, the forward finite differences delta are

delta = v.*sign′(x).*max(abs(x),TypicalX);

where sign′(x) = sign(x) except sign′(0) = 1. Central finite differences are

delta = v.*max(abs(x),TypicalX);

A scalar FiniteDifferenceStepSize expands to a vector. The default is sqrt(eps) for forward finite differences, and eps^(1/3) for central finite differences.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin

optimoptions only. For optimset, use FinDiffRelStep

Finite differences, used to estimate gradients, are either 'forward' (the default), or 'central' (centered), which takes twice as many function evaluations but should be more accurate. 'central' differences might violate bounds during their evaluation in fmincon interior-point evaluations if the HonorBounds option is set to false.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin

optimoptions only. For optimset, use FinDiffType

Termination tolerance on the function value.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fminsearch, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqlin, lsqnonlin, quadprog 

optimoptions only. For optimset, use TolFun

Method of Hessian approximation: 'bfgs', 'lbfgs', {'lbfgs',Positive Integer}, or 'finite-difference'.

Ignored when HessianFcn or HessianMultiplyFcn is nonempty.


optimoptions only. For optimset, use Hessian

User-supplied Hessian, specified as a function handle (see Including Hessians).

fmincon, fminuncoptimoptions only. For optimset, use HessFcn

User-supplied Hessian multiply function, specified as a function handle.

Ignored when HessianFcn is nonempty.

fmincon, fminunc, quadprog

optimoptions only. For optimset, use HessMult

Algorithm for searching for feasible points (see Heuristics for Finding Feasible Solutions):

  • 'basic'

  • 'intermediate'

  • 'advanced'

  • 'rss'

  • 'rins'

  • 'round'

  • 'diving'

  • 'rss-diving'

  • 'rins-diving'

  • 'round-diving'

  • 'none'

intlinprogoptimoptions only
HeuristicsMaxNodesStrictly positive integer that bounds the number of nodes intlinprog can explore in its branch-and-bound search for feasible points. See Heuristics for Finding Feasible Solutions.intlinprogoptimoptions only

The default true ensures that bound constraints are satisfied at every iteration. Turn off by setting to false.

fminconoptimoptions only. For optimset, use AlwaysHonorConstraints

Types of integer preprocessing (see Mixed-Integer Program Preprocessing):

  • 'none' — Use very few integer preprocessing steps.

  • 'basic' — Use a moderate number of integer preprocessing steps.

  • 'advanced' — Use all available integer preprocessing steps.

intlinprogoptimoptions only
IntegerToleranceReal from 1e-6 through 1e-3, where the maximum deviation from integer that a component of the solution x can have and still be considered an integer. IntegerTolerance is not a stopping criterion.intlinprogoptimoptions only

User-defined Jacobian multiply function, specified as a function handle. Ignored unless SpecifyObjectiveGradient is true for fsolve, lsqcurvefit, and lsqnonlin.

fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqlin, lsqnonlin


Type of internal linear solver in algorithm. For lsqlin and quadprog:

  • 'auto' — Use 'sparse' if the passed quadratic matrix is sparse (H for quadprog, C for lsqlin), 'dense' otherwise.

  • 'sparse' — Use sparse linear algebra.

  • 'dense' — Use dense linear algebra.

For coneprog:

  • 'auto' (default) — coneprog chooses the step solver.

    • If the problem is sparse, the step solver is 'prodchol'.

    • Otherwise, the step solver is 'augmented'.

  • 'augmented' — Augmented form step solver. See [1].

  • 'normal' — Normal form step solver. See [1].

  • 'normal-dense' — Normal form step solver using dense linear algebra.

  • 'prodchol' — Product form Cholesky step solver. See [4] and [5].

  • 'schur' — Schur complement method step solver. See [2].

coneprog, lsqlin 'interior-point' algorithm and quadprog 'interior-point-convex' algorithm

LPMaxIterationsStrictly positive integer, the maximum number of simplex algorithm iterations per node during the branch-and-bound process.intlinprogoptimoptions only
LPOptimalityToleranceNonnegative real where reduced costs must exceed LPOptimalityTolerance for a variable to be taken into the basis.intlinprogoptimoptions only

Maximum number of function evaluations allowed.

fgoalattain, fminbnd, fmincon, fminimax, fminsearch, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin

optimoptions only. For optimset, use MaxFunEvals

Maximum number of iterations allowed.

All but fzero and lsqnonneg

optimoptions only. For optimset, use MaxIter
MaxFeasiblePointsStrictly positive integer. intlinprog stops if it finds MaxFeasiblePoints integer feasible points.intlinprogoptimoptions only
MaxNodesStrictly positive integer that is the maximum number of nodes the solver explores in its branch-and-bound process.



Maximum amount of time in seconds allowed for the algorithm.

coneprog, intlinprog, linprog


Choose the node to explore next.

  • 'simplebestproj' — Best projection. See Branch and Bound.

  • 'minobj' — Explore the node with the minimum objective function.

  • 'mininfeas' — Explore the node with the minimal sum of integer infeasibilities. See Branch and Bound.

intlinprogoptimoptions only
ObjectiveCutOffReal greater than -Inf. The default is Inf.intlinprogoptimoptions only
ObjectiveImprovementThresholdNonnegative real. intlinprog changes the current feasible solution only when it locates another with an objective function value that is at least ObjectiveImprovementThreshold lower: (fold – fnew)/(1 + |fold|) > ObjectiveImprovementThreshold.intlinprogoptimoptions only

If the objective function value goes below ObjectiveLimit and the iterate is feasible, then the iterations halt.

fmincon, fminunc, lsqlin, quadprog 

Termination tolerance on the first-order optimality.

coneprog, fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, linprog (interior-point only), lsqcurvefit, lsqlin, lsqnonlin, quadprog 

optimoptions only. For optimset, use TolFun

Specify one or more user-defined functions that the optimization function calls at each iteration. Pass a function handle or a cell array of function handles. See Output Function and Plot Function Syntax or intlinprog Output Function and Plot Function Syntax.

fgoalattain, fminbnd, fmincon, fminimax, fminsearch, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, fzero, intlinprog, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin


Plots various measures of progress while the algorithm executes. Select from predefined plots or write your own. Give the function name as listed, or as a function handle such as @optimplotx. Pass a built-in plot function name, a function handle, or a cell array of built-in names or function handles. For custom plot functions, pass function handles.

  • 'optimplot' plots the function value and constraint satisfaction, similar to 'optimplotfvalconstr', except 'optimplot' determines feasibility based on the ConstraintTolerance and algorithm, whereas 'optimplotfvalconstr' uses a fixed tolerance of 1e-6. In addition, 'optimplot' shows the coordinates of the iterative points, and displays the satisfaction of the stopping criteria. For an example, see Monitor Solution Process with optimplot. The 'optimplot' plot function plots into a new window that is not shared with any other plot function.

  • 'optimplotx' plots the current point.

  • 'optimplotfunccount' plots the function count.

  • 'optimplotfval' plots the function value.

  • 'optimplotfvalconstr' plots the best feasible objective function value found. The plot shows infeasible points in one color and feasible points in another, using a feasibility tolerance of 1e-6.

  • 'optimplotconstrviolation' plots the maximum constraint violation.

  • 'optimplotresnorm' plots the norm of the residuals.

  • 'optimplotfirstorderopt' plots the first-order of optimality.

  • 'optimplotstepsize' plots the step size.

  • 'optimplotmilp' plots the gap for mixed-integer linear programs.

See Plot Functions or intlinprog Output Function and Plot Function Syntax.

fgoalattain, fminbnd, fmincon, fminimax, fminsearch, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, fzero, intlinprog, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin. See the individual function reference pages for the values that apply.

optimoptions only. For optimset, use PlotFcns

Real from 0 through 1. intlinprog stops if the relative difference between the internally calculated upper (U) and lower (L) bounds on the objective function is less than or equal to RelativeGapTolerance:

(U – L) / (abs(U) + 1) <= RelativeGapTolerance.

intlinprogoptimoptions only

Algorithm for solving linear programs:

  • 'dual-simplex' — Dual simplex algorithm

  • 'primal-simplex' — Primal simplex algorithm

intlinprogoptimoptions only
RootLPMaxIterationsNonnegative integer that is the maximum number of simplex algorithm iterations to solve the initial linear programming problem.intlinprogoptimoptions only

For fmincon interior-point and sqp algorithms, true causes the algorithm to normalize all constraints and the objective function by their initial values. Disable by setting to the default false.


User-defined gradients for the nonlinear constraints.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax

optimoptions only. For optimset, use GradConstr

User-defined gradients or Jacobians for the objective functions.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin

optimoptions only. For optimset, use GradObj or Jacobian

Termination tolerance on x.

All functions except linprog and coneprog


Determines how the iteration step is calculated.

fmincon, fminunc, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqlin, lsqnonlin 

Array that specifies typical magnitude of array of parameters x. The size of the array is equal to the size of x0, the starting point. Primarily for scaling finite differences for gradient estimation.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqlin, lsqnonlin, quadprog


When true, applicable solvers estimate gradients in parallel. Disable by setting to false.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fminunc, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin.


Hidden Options

optimoptions “hides” some options, meaning it does not display their values. To learn how to view these options, and why they are hidden, see View Optimization Options.

Function reference pages list these options in italics.

Hidden Optimization Toolbox Options

This table lists the hidden Optimization Toolbox™ options.

Options that optimoptions Hides

Option NameDescriptionUsed by FunctionsRestrictions

Display diagnostic information about the function to be minimized or solved.

All but fminbnd, fminsearch, fzero, and lsqnonneg


Maximum change in variables for finite differencing.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin


Minimum change in variables for finite differencing.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin


Check whether objective function and constraints values are valid. 'on' displays an error when the objective function or constraints return a value that is complex, NaN, or Inf.


FunValCheck does not return an error for Inf when used with fminbnd, fminsearch, or fzero, which handle Inf appropriately.

'off' displays no error.

fgoalattain, fminbnd, fmincon, fminimax, fminsearch, fminunc, fseminf, fsolve, fzero, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin


Sparsity pattern of the Hessian for finite differencing. The size of the matrix is n-by-n, where n is the number of elements in x0, the starting point.

fmincon, fminunc


Quasi-Newton updating scheme.



Initial barrier value.


Initial Levenberg-Marquardt parameter.

fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlinoptimoptions only

Initial radius of the trust region.


Sparsity pattern of the Jacobian for finite differencing. The size of the matrix is m-by-n, where m is the number of values in the first argument returned by the user-specified function fun, and n is the number of elements in x0, the starting point.

fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin


Type of preprocessing for the solution to the relaxed linear program (see Linear Program Preprocessing):

  • 'none' — No preprocessing.

  • 'basic' — Use preprocessing.

intlinprogoptimoptions only

Maximum number of iterations of preconditioned conjugate gradients method allowed.

fmincon, fminunc, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqlin, lsqnonlin, quadprog


A tolerance for the number of projected conjugate gradient iterations; this is an inner iteration, not the number of iterations of the algorithm.


Maximum number of iterations of sequential quadratic programming method allowed.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax


Use goal attainment/minimax merit function (multiobjective) vs. fmincon (single objective).

fgoalattain, fminimax


Upper bandwidth of preconditioner for PCG. Setting to 'Inf' uses a direct factorization instead of CG.

fmincon, fminunc, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqlin, lsqnonlin, quadprog


Level of LP preprocessing prior to simplex or dual simplex algorithm iterations.


optimoptions only

Relative bound on line search step length.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fseminf


Number of iterations for which the bound specified in RelLineSrchBnd should be active.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fseminf


When using the Algorithm option 'levenberg-marquardt', setting the ScaleProblem option to 'jacobian' sometimes helps the solver on badly-scaled problems.

fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqnonlin 

Constraint violation tolerance for the inner SQP iteration.

fgoalattain, fmincon, fminimax, fseminf 

Termination tolerance on the PCG iteration.

fmincon, fminunc, fsolve, lsqcurvefit, lsqlin, lsqnonlin, quadprog


A relative tolerance for projected conjugate gradient algorithm; this is for an inner iteration, not the algorithm iteration.


Absolute tolerance for projected conjugate gradient algorithm; this is for an inner iteration, not the algorithm iteration.


Hidden Global Optimization Toolbox Options

For the reasons these options are hidden, see Options that optimoptions Hides (Global Optimization Toolbox).

Options that optimoptions Hides

Option NameUsed by Functions







particleswarm, simulannealbnd






ga, patternsearch












ga, patternsearch


ga, patternsearch, simulannealbnd




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