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LPV 和 LTV 模型


创建、操作、分析和仿真线性参数变化 (LPV) 和线性时变模型 (LTV)。这些模型可以逼近非线性系统,并允许您高效地将线性设计方法应用于非线性模型。


  • 基于数学表达式创建 LPV 或 LTV 模型。

  • 创建 LPV 或 LTV 模型,在工况网格上进行线性化结果插值。

  • 仿真时间响应。

  • 指定不同模型之间以及与 LTI 模型之间的基于信号的连接。

  • 在参数网格上对动态特性进行采样以获得局部 LTI 逼近。

  • 离散化和重采样 LPV 或 LTV 模型。



lpvssLinear parameter-varying state-space model (自 R2023a 起)
ltvssLinear time-varying state-space model (自 R2023a 起)
getTestValueAccess test values for validating data function (自 R2023a 起)
setTestValueModify test values for validating data function (自 R2023a 起)
findopCompute operating condition from specifications (自 R2023b 起)
fixInput Fix value of some inputs and delete them (自 R2024a 起)
psampleSample linear parameter-varying or time-varying dynamics (自 R2024a 起)
ssInterpolantBuild gridded LTV or LPV model from state-space data (自 R2023a 起)
stepStep response of dynamic system
impulseImpulse response plot of dynamic system; impulse response data
lsimCompute time response simulation data of dynamic system to arbitrary inputs
initialSystem response to initial states of state-space model
RespConfigOptions for step or impulse responses (自 R2023a 起)
connectBlock diagram interconnections of dynamic systems
lftGeneralized feedback interconnection of two models (Redheffer star product)
d2cConvert model from discrete to continuous time
d2dResample discrete-time model
xperm Reorder states in state-space models
sminrealEliminates structurally disconnected states, delays, and blocks



LPV System对线性参数变化 (LPV) 系统进行仿真
LTV SystemSimulate linear time-varying (LTV) systems (自 R2024a 起)
Varying DelayVarying delay with support for fixed delay and zero delay (direct feedthrough) (自 R2024a 起)
Varying Lowpass Filter具有可变系数的巴特沃斯滤波器
Varying Notch FilterNotch filter with varying coefficients
PID Controller连续时间或离散时间 PID 控制器
PID Controller (2DOF)连续时间或离散时间二自由度 PID 控制器
Varying Transfer FunctionTransfer function with varying coefficients
Varying State SpaceState-space model with varying matrix values
Varying Observer FormObserver-form state-space model with varying matrix values
Discrete Varying DelayDiscrete varying delay with support for fixed delay and zero delay (direct feedthrough) (自 R2024a 起)
Discrete Varying LowpassDiscrete Butterworth filter with varying coefficients
Discrete Varying NotchDiscrete-time notch filter with varying coefficients
Discrete PID Controller (2DOF)离散时间或连续时间二自由度 PID 控制器
Discrete PID Controller离散时间或连续时间 PID 控制器
Discrete Varying Transfer FunctionDiscrete-time transfer function with varying coefficients
Discrete Varying State SpaceDiscrete-time state-space model with varying matrix values
Discrete Varying Observer FormDiscrete-time observer-form state-space model with varying matrix values


LTV 和 LPV 模型基础知识

使用解析 LTV 和 LPV 模型

使用网格化 LTV 和 LPV 模型
